New trendy drama Kiss and the City

By girlfriday

Seriously? You couldn't even TRY for some originality in the title? Sigh.

Online broadcaster SBS E!TV announced a new trendy drama in the works, called "Kiss and the City". The drama will feature four best friends, radio DJ Park So-hyun, cosmetic company CEO Shim Eun-jin, plastic surgeon Yoon Ji-min, and import car dealer Sin Joo-ah. (The actors all use their real names here, like a lot of Korean sitcoms do to build star name-recognition.)

The show will skew adult (so think cable, not network), and focus on the fresh, lively tales of these four women. It's also doing something interesting with format, and taking a reality-show or mockumentary approach. The show will feature interviews with the characters throughout the show. Think: Sex and the City meets The Office. Weird. And interesting.

Kim Jin-II has been cast as a writer for Park So-hyun's radio show, and Park Ji-hwan as Shim Eun-jin's "pocket man", the meaning of which is a little hazy for me. In her pocket, like a kept boy? Or sinks-it-in-the-pocket trusty right-hand guy in the company? I dunno. Any which way, he's reportedly a dead ringer for Micky Yoochun and her love interest.

"Kiss and the City" will air on SBS E!TV ( in September.

